Youth Programs

SMARTY’S Out-of-school time PROGRAM

The SmartY’S (Smart, Young, Significant) Program is an out-of-school time program that is offered during after school hours and in the summer months. The program is designed to increase academic performance in students to keep them on the path to graduation and a successful future. Students receive daily homework help and tutoring in the core subjects of reading and math. Students are also offered a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academics such as arts, music, science, technology, recreation, service learning projects, and drug and alcohol prevention activities. This program is offered for grades 4-8 on-site at University Settlement and for grades K-8 at Broadway Academy at Willow.

Manager: Kim Corrigan

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Prevention Services

University Settlement offers a variety of in school and out of school prevention programing for the Slavic Village and greater Cleveland area. The program designed to address health promotion, pro-social behaviors, positive school relationships, and alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention subjects. The goal is to increase protective factors that include social and emotional competencies and positive social connections, that will improve the participant’s health and well-being.

Manager: Kim Corrigan