Leading by Example

The staff at University Settlement is a group of intentionally diverse individuals that bring all different perspectives, skills, and experiences. The current racial makeup of staff is over 60% racial minority individuals. In 2020, staff created an Equity and Inclusion Committee to identify and implement ways the agency can advance racial equity and make the staff culture more inclusive. In addition, staff actively integrate racial diversity into programming on an ongoing basis. For example, last year the Adult Wellness program welcomed traditional African storytellers as they shared cultural programming for seniors. That program and the SmartY’S youth program also celebrated Black History Month by learning about black history, doing projects, and having different events throughout the month.

In order to have a Board of Directors that is representative of this community, 13 new Board members were added in 2019, and three in 2020. The selection of the new members was deliberate, as we sought to realize a more diverse board. In 2018, the racial makeup of the Board was 16% minority individuals. Now, the Board is 40% BIPOC, and includes Black, Latinx, Native, and Asian/Pacific Island membership. We are still recruiting new Board members with a concentration on BIPOC individuals and community residents.
